Giny Vos

In the project for Poort van het Vechtdal near Zwolle at the A28, the sun functions as the only light source. Drawing on the myth of the phoenix, I address climate adaptation and renewable energy in a different, poetic way.

For me the phoenix is a symbol of the incredible power of nature and its ability to heal itself, to rise again and again, renewed.

The work is constructed with 1763 square-profile steel beams, of which one or two sides have a titanium coating. The titanium produces beautiful colours in a gradient from light yellow to bright orange, to pink and bluish purple, and could only be manufactured by a specialised firm in Japan. Feniks is 18 metres tall with a wingspan of 22 metres.

The work was commissioned by the province of Overijssel, and co-funded by the municipalities of Zwolle, Dalfsen, Ommen and Hardenberg and the water boards of Drents Overijsselse Delta and Vechtstromen, and supported by the Mondriaan Fund and BPD Cultuurfonds

I made the 3D drawings in collaboration with 3D animators Bram Verhavert and Dennis Bacal. Engineering is done by Femto Engineering. Feniks was realised by Qumey and was festively unveiled in the fall of 2024.

Text Feniks (Dutch)
Press release (Dutch)
Video RTV Oost (Dutch)
Hollandse Meesters (Dutch)