Castle for Mike
Castle for Mike, 1997
Brooklyn Heights Promenade New York
When night falls, the contours of a medieval castle become visible on the New York City skyline, seen from the promenade in Brooklyn Heights. This form comes into being by specifically turning on certain lights in twenty-three Manhattan skyscrapers. The watchtowers, turrets and battlements that are mirrored in the waters of the East River create a dream-like image that is as majestic as it is ephemeral.
Dim. 90 x 130 cm
C-print, 10 copies
View credits
Location: Galerie Oele Amsterdam
Exhibition: Giny Vos solo
Production: Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMK)
Collection: AEG Lichttechniek, ABN-AMRO, private collections

'Middeleeuws luchtkasteel boven New York'
De Volkskrant, Erwin Wijman